Here is an audio recording for a podcasting assignment. For this project, I decided to record myself reading an essay entitled "Getting Rid of the Gunk." I wrote the essay as part of a "Culture of Me" project during my senior year in high school. Writing this essay was a liberating experience because it allowed me to voice my own thoughts and struggles. My twelfth grade English teacher, Mr. Wiebe read this essay to all of his other English classes and told me to send him my first book when it was published. I've often thought back to that experience. It's not only a great example of what a powerful writing assignment can do but also the power of a teacher's encouragement.
At the end of my essay, Mr. Wiebe wrote, "We could let all incoming 9th graders have this paper to read along with whatever else they receive at orientation. It would be the most valuable gift by far [...] Blessings and thanks. What a powerful vision of life as based on a real life you lived and live. This inspires!"
That feedback resonates so much more than any editing marks a teacher ever made.
Listen to my essay, Getting Rid of the Gunk
Once again, great job. I agree with your English teacher; if I ever have my own class of highschool students, or middle school, I'd use your essay/podcast as an intro for them. Your writing and perceptions are very mature for a senior in highschool. The material works very well as a podcast. It makes me wonder if you plan to do more essay/poscasts? You obviously have a gift of writing. I've noticed that in your comments on my blog and in the roleplay we did in class. The words seem to flow fluidly out of you. So what do you think? Develop a series of podcasts for adolescents? I like the inclusion of referencing a book and another influential author. What's cool about choosing this as your podcast, is it reveals the timelessness of the piece. The issues your address are just as relevent today as when you wrote it. So what an inspiration it would be for a writing project - to show that the work they do at writing now has longevity and purpose.
Thanks, Sonja. I really do enjoy writing, and I actually have a very vague plan of someday writing a book of essays. My biggest hang up is that I forget about it when I have the most time to write! I also sometimes feel like my life isn't interesting enough to write about. And then I remember that some of my favorite authors of essays (Chuck Klosterman, anyone?) would probably say the same thing. You definitely have given me some inspiration, though! Thank you for your kind words.
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