Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My first iMovie

Although I have used MovieMaker a number of times, this was my first success at using iMovie. The last time I tried iMovie, I just about had a conniption since I was so unfamiliar with using Macs.  This time around, I was much more patient and determined to be successful.  This might not be the next Oscar winner, but it does have images, sound, and transitions.

  I didn't get around to adding a title, but these photos were taken during a family trip to Duluth for a wedding.


Sonja said...

Lisa: Bravo! Nice job on the iMovie. I thought the music was a wonderful accompaniment to the photos, especially given the subject matter - family members and a wedding celebration. The music induced a kind of nostalgia attitude I thought. I also liked the Ken Burns effect, especially on the (I think) 3-5 pictures. I like the zoom in on the couple's faces, the zoom out from the Canal Park sign, and the zoom close to the couple with the lift bridge in the background. Then the picture of the Duluth Harbor puts it all in perspective - beautiful night shot. Also a great picture of the lift bridge. I thought you employed nice transition methods too. It looks like you had beautiful weather at the harbor - not always the case in Duluth. Well done.

I'm so glad you had success your first try. I had downloaded all these pictures from flickr and I was going to make a movie for the book we're studying right now in my Junior Great Books class, A Door in the Wall. But none of the flickr photos worked - they were all pixelated (is that the term)? So I have to start over.

By the way, I've copied you and added Shelfari to my blog - I hope you don't mind. I think it is a great idea.

Lisa said...

Thanks for you comments, Sonja. I had some trouble getting the images to transfer over, too. I planned on using a lot more images, but I spent so much time in class figuring out how to get them into iMovie that I only had a few minutes to actually create the video! I've used MovieMaker a lot more, so I know I can be successful with that. I'm glad that I was able to create even this in iMovie. I think that if I had more time to learn the software, it's probably pretty slick.

I certainly don't mind that you added Shelfari! I love that website :)